4 Alternative Body and Mind Healing Ideas and Methods

4 Alternative Body and Mind Healing Ideas and Methods

Sometimes you may feel like prescription pain medication or vitamin powder isn’t what you need to heal your mind or body. Sometimes you may feel like there are alternative ways to make yourself feel better. And there are plenty of different categories of thought for you to do some research on, even though it’s always a good idea to eventually talk to a doctor about your issues.

Think about if any of the following might be able to help you with your mind and body concerns. There is always the low-stress concept of transcendental meditation. Certain people offer healing tables as a way to ease suffering. Many people believe in the power of essential oils. And then there are new light and laser therapies that are in their experimental stages.

Transcendental Meditation

If you’ve never tried transcendental meditation to help with some of your aches and pains and anxieties, it’s an excellent place to start. It does take some practice to get into it, and it’s not bad to have a group who can show you the right way to focus your energy, but many people have found it to work when nothing else does. As a method of pain and stress management, it is largely free for you just to sit down and try to calm your mind and breathing.

Healing Tables

Healing Tables

For people that want to take on a more intense example of alternative body and mind healing, there is the option of using a healing table. Proponents of this method suggest that there is intrinsic power in a certain kind of material, and if you utilize this power by going through various steps, some of the things that are wrong with you may become right. The science behind these healing tables may seem a little suspect, but you can’t argue with success in the instances where they have worked.

Essential Oils

healing oil

You can probably find tens of millions of people who will tell you the power of essential oils. For every possible condition that you have, they will say that there is an essential oil that can fix it. It takes some experimentation to find out which oils you react to the best, what you can put these oils and, and the various concentrations that are needed, but again, this is another one of those anecdotal situations where success is your goal, not necessarily science.

Light and Laser Therapy

laser therapy

More on the medical and technological side of things, creative individuals are putting together appliances and methods that use light and lasers for therapy of different types. The claims that they make are incredibly variable, and there isn’t a whole lot of proof behind the results yet, but it definitely has potential for in the future.