Six Essential Oils to Help You Battle Allergies

Six Essential Oils to Help You Battle Allergies

Allergies are a fact of life, and everyone goes through them. Some are childhood allergies like reactions to different foods, while others are more seasonal like those associated with common colds or the blooming of certain flowers or plants. Some people can experience these allergic reactions in seasons, while others go through them at any time of the year.

If you are suffering from an allergy, you might be told to avoid the triggers. However, this is very challenging, considering the changing environmental conditions we live in today, as well as environmental toxins and foods interfering with the strength of our immune systems.

If you find yourself battling an allergic reaction, you might turn to essential oils as a possible remedy, even more so than conventional medicine. They can also be useful as a complementary treatment of allergic reactions. In fact, essential oils are highly useful because they are derived exclusively from plants, and their composition allows them to be useful in a variety of ways.

How do people use essential oils?

  essential oils  

Allergic reactions will always start from the immune system, then their effects spread to the body. It all begins when an allergen enters the immune system and tricks the body into thinking it is an invader, then the body overreacts and produces antibodies, which then are carried through the bloodstream and are taken to histamine cells – this causes the allergic reaction.

The specific method of use will vary, but the most popular ways include using diffusers, which spread their mist into the air, using them in spa and bath products, diluting them then applying them to the skin, breathing them from the container, or spraying them. To find out more on the latest methods of aromatherapy.

The breathing in of these oils is known as aromatherapy, as the sense of smell can affect all other areas in your body. Regardless of the method you choose, you must always dilute the oils before using them, as they are highly concentrated. Dilution is through use of carrier oils like coconut oil, or other substances like whole milk or aloe Vera gel.

In the case of allergies, what essential oils can I use?  



In many instances, lavender is a popular choice as an essential oil because of the numerous health benefits it offers, as well as being milder in its effects. It can help your body reduce the effects of the symptoms of allergies, mostly thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation. In fact, a certain study revealed that lavender oil plays a role in preventing allergic inflammation, in addition to reducing the enlargement of mucous cells.

You can use it through diffusers, or diluting it in carrier oils and using a bit of the mixture in your bath to help you relax and fight the uncomfortable feeling.

Ravensara oil, frankincense and sandalwood blend

If you are a chronic sufferer of allergic rhinitis, then you can consider using a mixture of Ravensara, frankincense and sandalwood oils. A study that was done on some individuals suffering from the condition found that they reported significant improvements with runny and itchy noses, blocked nasal passages, as well as sneezing.

This particular blend of essential oils helps you sleep better and improve the quality of your life. Just make sure to mix them in almond oil as a carrier oil, as it is the most effective and will reduce their strength.



Along with lavender, eucalyptus is quite legendary in the world of essential oils due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It therefore helps with congestion issues, and has a cooling feeling similar to that of menthol. Most people use it through inhalation, and this helps them experience some relief while they battle their allergic reactions. The best methods of use would be using a diffuser, or breathing it directly from the bottle.

Tea tree

While the exact benefits on essential oils on allergic relief is unclear and research is still being done, it is common knowledge that you can reduce your allergy symptoms when you use tea tree oil. All that is thanks to its work as an anti-inflammatory substance.

However, you should exercise caution when you use it. When it is too much, it can actually trigger allergies or make existing ones worse. Before using it, make sure to do a skin patch test. mix one drop of the essential oil in question with one teaspoon of a carrier oil (for instance, jojoba or olive oil), then rub it on your inner elbow.

Wait for half an hour to a full hour, and the allergic reaction will appear during this time, if it is there. If you notice any irritation to your skin, wash the area with a mild soap and warm water immediately, and avoid using the essential oil afterwards.



The anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint oil are not in doubt – it is actually one of the most popular on the list. It opens up the respiratory system very effectively, even if you decide to diffuse it into the air or apply it on your skin after diluting it with a carrier oil.

To make it even more effective, you can combine it with lemon and lavender oils. However, you should use the mixture with caution, as too much of it can trigger allergic reactions.


Many aromatherapy techniques usually use oils from citrus fruits, because they increase your energy and alertness. In particular, lemon oil can reduce congestion and clear your sinuses, which are common symptoms of a seasonal allergy. You can use it through diffusion or applying it topically to the skin.

However, that brings a drawback – citrus scented oils make the skin photosensitive – that is, easily burned by the sun. Because of that, you must be very careful when exposing your skin to tanning beds or the sun itself after you use these oils.

Final thoughts

When it comes to allergic reactions, you no longer need to hole yourself in your house until you get better, as essential oils can help you recover faster and boost your immune system. Essentially, a little will go a long way when you are using these oils.