5 Points You should know before going for Laser Piles Surgery

5 Points You should know before going for Laser Piles Surgery

There are many people who experience severe pain and even bleeding while passing stool in morning, making their morning trip to toilet an ordeal experience. This is because of the presence of piles with or without cuts in anus fissures. There are medications available for Piles Treatment but it is only effective for the 1 grade of piles and not effective for 3 or 4 grade of piles. The effective Haemorrhoids Treatment for Grade 3 and Grade 4 is laser surgery. When medications provide the patients with temporary relief, doctors usually suggest patients to undergo Laser Treatment.

Laser Piles Surgery is less invasive and less painful as compared to other treatment options. There is no need of cutting tissues and the surrounding tissues of rectum or anus has not harmed in the process. The laser energy only treats the affected areas in focused way and the problem is solved easily within few minutes. Patients can easily resume to their daily activities within 24 hours of the surgery. Despite all these factors, there are many points which a patient needs to know prior to undergoing the Laser Piles Surgery.

  1. Are You The Right Candidate for Laser Piles Surgery

Well, you might not be aware with the fact that Laser Piles Surgery is not suitable for all. The laser treatment is mainly prescribed based on the severity and grade of piles you are having. As mentioned, the grade 1 and grade 2 types of piles can be treated easily with home remedies like avoiding junk foods and consuming excessive fluid along with some prescribed medications for piles. So, it is necessary that whether you are having grade 1-2 types of piles or advanced grade 3-4 types of piles and the treatment will be decided accordingly. Laser Treatment is only suitable for patients with grade 3-4 types of piles where no medications and home remedies work.

  1. What is the Recovery Time for Laser Piles Surgery?

The second most important thing that you need to confirm with the doctor is the recovery time post surgery. As mentioned, the Laser Piles Treatment usually takes less than 24 hours to recover. People who undergo the surgery easily gets recovered after the surgery and they may resume to their daily activities immediately after the surgery. There is no need of any hospitalization and hence you will be discharged from hospital immediately after the surgery. But, if you have other complications along with piles, your doctor may ask you to stay back in hospital for observation. So, ensure to ask the doctor how much time you need to recover and when you will be discharged post surgery.

  1. What Are the Preventive Care Post Laser Piles Surgery?

In fact there is no such preventive care for Laser Piles Surgery. You can resume to work immediately after the surgery and perform your daily chores without any restrictions. Your doctor may prescribe you with some medications to soften your stools for few days post surgery. This will reduce the strain while passing stools and keep the site unharmed which is very crucial for few days after surgery.

  1. Will You Have Any Pain After Laser Treatment While Passing Stool?

Most of the patients after their Laser Treatment usually don’t experience any pain while passing stool. Moreover, the patients will be prescribed with some medications to soften he stool which will prevent you from experiencing any pain. There are some patients who complain to experience some kind of pain post surgery and this is because of the underlying fissure which is required to be treated immediately. This is nothing to do with your piles and your doctor may prescribe you treatment for the same.

  1. What is the Cost of Laser Piles Surgery?

The final point that you must know before going for Laser Piles Surgery is the overall cost of the surgery. You need to know that the laser surgery is 40% more expensive as compared to traditional piles treatment. Your doctor and clinic can better help you to learn about the treatment cost. So consult your doctor about the same to learn about the procedure and also about the overall cost of the surgery.

These were some of the points that you must know before you undergo the Laser Piles Surgery.