9 Surprising Benefits You Experience When You Take Apple Cider Vinegar Daily

9 Surprising Benefits You Experience When You Take Apple Cider Vinegar Daily

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is nature’s miracle substance. Unless you have been living under a rock, you may have noticed the recent hype of this product and the trend of not just having it in your pantry, but ideally sipping a bit of ACV daily. By what is it, and why should you consume it?

As the name suggests, ACV is made from fermented and then decanted apples. It’s possible to make it at home, but most individuals prefer getting it from a local food store, grocery store, or even online. It is in vogue as it offers numerous health benefits, particularly in its organic, unpasteurized form. It’s a powerful healer, acting as a natural antibiotic for the body.

ACV is rich in magnesium, acetic acid, potassium, digestive enzymes, and polyphenols. While we are not going to cover this in the post, it probably not surprising that ACV ideally makes for an effective and economical household disinfectant, in addition to the numerous benefits it has to offer.

So, what are the surprising things that occur when you consume apple cider vinegar regularly? Here are some:

Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Alleviation

According to Healthline, over 60% of individuals experience some level of acid reflux and heartburn. If you’ve experienced recurring issues with either conditions or both, then you know how uncomfortable it can get. Doctors have recently linked the rising cases of acid reflux with rising cases of obesity. Consuming ACV every day can ideally alleviate ongoing issues with acid reflux and heartburn.

There is no clear explanation as to how the product helps alleviate these conditions, but the theory is that it helps balance the pH levels and as well as buffer the stomach linings against the organ’s caustic acids.

Please note that if you’ve been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, it’s not advisable to consume ACV until your general practitioner agrees that your condition has been resolved.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

According to Arizona State University research, consuming ACV before a high carb meal improves insulin sensitivity by up to 34% and minimizes fasting blood sugar by up to 4%. This is advantageous for everyone and not just those with type 2 diabetes. The last thing you want is experiencing a blood sugar crash a while after eating.

Helps in Weight Loss

In addition to regulating blood sugar level, ACV consumption before eating can help you feel fuller in a relatively short period. Also, research has it that you will consume approximately 200 calories per day. This might not seem significant to the average person, but when it comes to maintaining weight or losing weight, every small bit goes a long way.

Improves Digestion

ACV ideally increases the pH levels in the stomach, and this is an ideal thing as you need a highly acidic stomach for proper digestion. When food is broken down, you get the most out of nutrition of the foods you consume and are less likely to experience constipation or bloating.

It Is Antibacterial

ACV is a common remedy in tackling acne, nail fungus, and household cleaning. However, consuming apple cider vinegar daily ideally helps kill harmful bacteria that makes its way into your body, therefore, helping you stay healthy.

Lowers Cholesterol

Studies ideally show that taking ACV regularly can help reduce oxidation LDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and potentially lower blood pressure.

Naturally Whitens Your Teeth

We all want to have a beautiful smile, but even prescription or OTC teeth whitening remedies do not do an outstanding job.

Taking ACV daily won’t just lighten, whiten and brighten your teeth, but ideally contribute to a better overall dental and oral health by sanitizing and detoxifying your teeth, gums and mouth tissues.

Remedies Upset Stomach

The next time you’re experiencing stomach troubles, mix one or two tablespoons of ACV in some water and sip. If you have intestinal spasms, or bacterial infection is the issue, ACV can help alleviate the problem and soothe your tummy. Ideally, ACV is pretty delicious, and so, you should not fear to take a few cap-fulls.

Soothes Sore Throats

Mix a quarter cup of ACV with a quarter cup of warm water and gargle after every 60 minutes the moment you start feeling a sore throat. The ACV will help eliminate the germs as well as the infection.

Clears a Stuffy Nose

The acid and potassium found in ACV can help prevent bacteria growth and thin mucus. So, then next time you have a stuffy nose, mix a tablespoon of ACV in a glass of water and consume to get the much-needed relief.

For more surprising benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar and what brand we recommend you buy this article by Anti Aging Ninjas is really informative