Benefits of Elliptical Cross Trainer Machines

Benefits of Elliptical Cross Trainer Machines

A modern day gym is full of workout machines. If you step inside a gym, the first thing you will probably notice are the lines of various types of cardiovascular equipment such as stair climbers, rowers, exercise bikes, treadmills, and stationary bikes, to name a few. One of the most popular amongst these machines is an elliptical trainer. These are used both at gyms and at homes and come with various features and in different sizes. You can read elliptical reviews online and find which one is best for you. Apart from the ease of using an elliptical trainer and having fairly low-cost options (best rated elliptical under 1000), these workout machines also provide a basketful of additional benefits.

Benefits of Using an Elliptical Trainer

As mentioned above, there are several additional benefits of using an elliptical trainer on a daily basis. Some of the key benefits have been discussed below for your knowledge.

  • Boost Your Aerobic Capacity: For those of you who did not know, a high level of aerobic capacity will signify that you can easily perform various activities for a long time without getting tired. Using an elliptical trainer will easily boost your aerobic capacity, which is possible due to an increase in your heart rate. Simply use it for around 20 to 30 minutes a day for about 3 or4 days a week and see the difference in your stamina after a few months.
  • Low Impact Workout: People who have been through a major surgery are always suggested to exercise in order to get back to their old mobility. In such situations, it is always advisable to opt for a low impact workout. According to experts, the elliptical trainer is one of those workout machines, which provide a low impact workout and is aptly suited for people suffering from joint conditions, ligament tears, arthritis, and osteoporosis. The gliding movement of your feet do not cause any serious impact to your joints.
  • Full Body Workout: Running on a treadmill or out in the open will naturally burn calories and also provide an effective leg muscle workout. However, it does not provide an effective workout for your upper torso. On the other hand, using an elliptical trainer will provide a full body workout. Your legs move in a gliding fashion on the pedals and your hands also move while holding onto the handle bars. It also provides a proper workout to your chest, arms, back, and shoulders.
  • Calories Burned: Exercising on a treadmill or an exercise bike will certainly help to burn those excess calories from your body. However, the amount of calories burnt will be much lesser when compare to an elliptical trainer. According to a recent data by Harvard Heath Publications, simply exercising for 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer can burn around 400 calories. However, this naturally depends upon your body weight. The more you weigh, the more effective will be the burning rate of calories.

It is always better to start off with a few minutes on the elliptical trainer. Once you get used to it, you can increase the time you spend on the machine. There are many people who simply use an elliptical trainer and nothing else.