Smart Wearables are Changing the Construction Industry

Smart Wearables are Changing the Construction Industry

As we talk about wearable technology, the first thing that comes to mind is that it’s nothing more than a consumer good, that allows the users to connect with each other, or be able to monitor one’s fitness. Although this is somewhat true, wearable technology is more than that.

It’s slowly entering the construction industry, and it’s offering some benefits, similar to the impact of cloud technology and mobile devices. That’s why wearables even became the standard place during construction, and it would continue to be a part of the industry for years to come.

Here’s how smart wearables are changing the construction industry

Smart Helmets: More Than Just Protecting the Head

Safety helmets have always been a part of job site safety for several years. Though, back in the days, they only had one function– that is, to protect the wearer physically. However, with the recent innovations and advancements in technology, they are now capable of doing something more than that.

For instance, with transparent visors, you’ll be able to get a heads up display of the blueprints, together with instructions and notifications. Likewise, they also work great in recording video and sharing location data.

Reflective Vests Equipped with GPS

Another remarkable piece of wearables that are now integrated with technology would be the safety vests and bright vests. These are embedded with GPS that keep tabs on workers, allowing them to determine if there are any project delays or inefficiencies.

However, the most beautiful feature of this would be the emergency button that allows the wearer to call for help during emergency situations and accidents.

Work Boots That Can Help You Work For Hours

The steel-toed boots we have nowadays is way different from how it was back then. Now, it comes with anti-fatigue insoles that harness kinetic energy from every step. Not just that, it’s also embedded with GPS, temperature sensors, and cloud access. Who would have thought that all of these features would be available in footwear?

A Remarkable Improvement in Overall Productivity in the Construction Site

The best wearables are known for making the everyday task more efficient and convenient. In the construction site, such technology could be utilized in several instances. For example, it could help the construction workers to monitor piping, even the ones that are hidden behind the walls, and this would eliminate the demand to perform costly repair work.

Construction Workers Would Be More Than Satisfied

We can’t deny that new technology in the construction site, especially the ones that have utilized the same strategies and systems for a couple of years could be a little disruptive and affect employee satisfaction. However, it’s also worth noting that the developments in technology could also trigger a different result.

Think when WiFi was introduced into the workplace, or when you had access to a smartphone app. Chances are, it made your task more manageable. The result? You feel more satisfied while doing your work, and this would positively affect your productivity as well.

What we’re trying to say is that, with the right technology for the construction industry, there’s a massive chance that you’ll be able to experience a remarkable improvement, making these smart wearables worth the investment.

Smart Wearables Work Hand-in-Hand with Other Technological Investments

One of the most integral aspects of wearables is their capability to connect to other systems. Most devices in the construction industry have to be integrated with a more significant platform to work efficiently.

For those who have worked on a new CRM, project management tool, or production system, you’ll probably agree that having wearable support helps a lot. That’s why a lot of construction companies are starting to invest in wearables, believing that it’s a practical investment.