Natural Living – 5 Compelling Reasons to Go Organic

Natural Living – 5 Compelling Reasons to Go Organic

In the past decade, we’ve seen a major shift in the way people view nutrition and the environment. As a result, more and more people are opting to go vegan, pursue sustainable practices in their everyday life, and choose organic products over those that are farmed conventionally.

The benefits of organic produce are countless – as well as being completely free of chemicals and providing higher nutritional value, organic food generally tastes better, too! If you’re considering making the switch to organic, keep these points in mind next time you go grocery shopping. Organic Tips can help you navigate the aisles and make informed choices for your health and the environment.

Protect Your Family with Organic Choices

These days, more and more parents are choosing organic baby products, as well as natural items for toddlers and bigger kids to ensure their little ones have the best possible head start in life. Children are more susceptible to the pesticides in non-organic foods, which can contribute to a slew of acute and chronic issues later in life. Opting for organic meat and dairy – or a vegan diet altogether – also helps to ensure that your children aren’t exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are found in non-organic livestock, like synthetic hormones used to speed up growth.

Boost Your Nutrient Intake Naturally

A recent study found that organic meat and dairy contains about 50% more omega-3 fatty acids than their non-organic counterparts. Similarly, research by the British Journal of Nutrition found that organic crops have a much higher concentration of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Simply put, because organic crops are grown in healthy, sustainable soils, they abound in plenty of nourishing vitamins and minerals to which conventional produce can’t compare.

Decrease Exposure to Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

24.6 million pounds of antibiotics have been used non-therapeutically on animals per year since the early 2000s. This is because most farmers use a combination of antibiotics and synthetic chemicals to force growth and alter reproductive cycles in their livestock. As a result, the past two decades have seen an emergence of dangerous bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Opting for organic products significantly reduces your risk of being exposed to these strains of bacteria, as well as helping you avoid unnecessary hormones in your food.

Eco-Friendly Farming: A Win for the Environment

Organic farming processes have been proven to be better for the environment. As well as eliminating the use of harmful pesticides, organic farming encourages smart agricultural practices like crop rotation, which can assist with the problem of erosion. On a larger scale, organic farming helps to combat the effects of global warming. According to research by the Rodale Institute, organic agriculture uses 45% less energy and is more efficient, while traditional processes produce 40% more greenhouse gases.

Improve Water Quality

The chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides used in conventional agricultural practices pose a massive risk to our water supply. According to a study by the University of California Davis, almost 10% of the people living in California’s Tulare Lake Basin and Salinas Valley are drinking nitrate-contaminated water as a result of non-organic farming practices. Conversely, organic farming dramatically reduces water pollution by eliminating pesticide runoff. It also helps to conserve water, with organic farms using up to 30% less water than conventional agriculture. This is because healthy organic soil holds water better, helping to limit evaporation and erosion.