Are Essential Oils Really Effective At Easing Seasonal Allergies

Are Essential Oils Really Effective At Easing Seasonal Allergies

Everyone knows that essential oils are a great way to beat stress, anxiety, or depression symptoms. But, nowadays, there is a growing buzz around these oils for reducing seasonal allergies, including stuffy nose, puffy eyes, sneezing, headache, asthma, etc.

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans develop different types of allergy symptoms every year. In fact, allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States.

Though there are several medications available to get rid of the symptoms, many people choose natural remedies as the first line of action against allergies. This is due to the undesirable side effects of the medications, such as gut issues, drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, restlessness, etc.

The anti-inflammatory properties of essential oils make them effective at easing allergy symptoms. Here is how they work to reduce allergies-

How Do Essential Oils Work To Reduce Allergy Symptoms

The only way of getting rid of allergy symptoms is to reduce the exposure to the allergens that are causing the issue. However, it doesn’t seem to be very realistic or practical, especially if you have allergy from dust or pollen grains.

Another problem is, sometimes you simply don’t know what your body is reacting to. Further, testing isn’t readily available to everyone. So, many people end up just guessing the cause.

If used correctly, essential oils offer allergy relief and help alleviate the undesirable symptoms like skin rashes, cough, etc. They are highly concentrated aromatic substances extracted from trees or plant materials, such as roots, fruits, nuts, leaves, flowers, bark, etc.

These naturally occurring substances have been used by humankind for generations for countless purposes. They are used as herbal medicine, and their therapeutic applications are often useful in aromatherapy.

Essential Oils Address All The Allergy Symptoms

Allergic reactions occur due to the over-stimulated immune response that leads to an increase in body inflammation. Most of the allergy sufferers focus on three important things, i.e., lower inflammation of the body, support the immune system, and alleviate the individual symptoms. And, essential oils address all these areas.

They are especially effective at providing immune support. Most of these oils possess anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties. They also stimulate the lymphatic fluid flow that carries a huge amount of white blood cells.

For example, eucalyptus oil boosts the immune system, decreases inflammation, thus helps to reduce the symptoms related to seasonal allergies. Lemon oil is also great for symptomatic relief.

What Are The Best Essential Oils For Allergy?

These are the best essential oils for allergies you can consider if you are suffering from the one-

Peppermint Oil

Menthol and menthone are the active ingredients present in the peppermint essential oil. It helps soothe the respiratory system and acts as a natural decongestant. Thus, it also provides relief from sinus congestion. Besides, it also exhibits antispasmodic effects in the throat that indicated cough suppression.

Lemon Oil

A lemon oil-based nasal spray is quite effective in the treatment of seasonal, as well as year-round allergic fever or other infectious diseases of the nose. When diffused, it helps kill bacteria or other harmful airborne allergens and reduces the risk of allergic reactions. It also stimulates the lymphatic system and boosts the immune system.

Tea Tree Oil

Perhaps, you have already heard about the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of tea tree. These properties make it effective for treating skin rashes, wounds, or hives to boost healing. You can also use it as a powerful anti-bacterial agent in a diffuser and sanitizer for cleaning the surface.

Lavender Oil

Inhalation of lavender oil prevents allergic inflammation and is an amazing alternative treatment for bronchial asthma. Also, it is a fantastic analgesic. If you use the lavender oil topically, it accelerates wound healing, promotes collagen production, soothes skin irritation, and reduces skin allergies.

Chamomile Oil

It boasts anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties that relieve itching, swelling of the skin. Also, it is effective at treating eczema and dermatitis. It is also helpful in sore throat and hoarseness.

Whatever essential oil you choose, make sure to use it with caution. As they are highly concentrated, they need to be diluted with a carrier oil so that you don’t experience any annoying symptoms.