How to Improve Your Sense of Wellness (& What It Will Do for You)

How to Improve Your Sense of Wellness (& What It Will Do for You)

Wellness is not an easy concept to pin down to a singular definition, rather it is a term that can refer to a whole different range of issues. It has, however, been the subject of increased discussion in recent years. The idea that to look after ourselves takes more than just fulfilling the basic needs of food, shelter, and warmth has taken hold in the common psyche. Here we look at ways of how to improve your sense of wellness.

Stay Active

Exercise can holistically improve your health. We should not consider any aspect of looking after ourselves in isolation, everything has its place, and the benefits of an active lifestyle cannot be overlooked. As little as two and a half hours per week can reduce your chance of heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon, and breast cancer, and decreased cognitive function. Running, going to the gym or even brisk walking can count as your active minutes.

Eat Well

The age-old debate of whether diet or exercise is more important for health and wellbeing is one that rages on. It’s much of a moot point as t you cannot effectively employ one without the other. As a bare minimum, you should stick to your five a day fruit and veg. But it’s vital to go further where possible, look to reduce your intake of processed foods and those high in saturated fat and uncomplicated carbs.


There’s nothing like really disconnecting, and although there are many ways to try and achieve this none quite work like completely clearing your mind. Meditation could be the answer to this question. To achieve the perfect meditation session, the surroundings and atmosphere have to be just right. The room has to be lacking in noise, and ideally free of distractions, if you have an area that is lacking in clutter and mess, with enough room to stretch out, this is ideal. Other aids can assist in setting the mood, such as calming music, and you could use the benefits of essential oils to make the setting complete. 

Connect with Nature

Reconnecting with nature centers us in a primal way. If you are lucky enough to live within reach of an area of natural beauty, then nothing can be better for you. Walking through wooded or mountainous areas will give anyone a clarity of mind and soul that cannot be replicated in any artificial way.

Don’t be Overloaded

It’s all very well attending to your sense of wellness and mental health when at home and in your private life. But your good work can be undone if you neglect to maintain a wellness strategy in your professional life. The good news is that much of the advice for staying well at work is the same as elsewhere, keep hydrated and eat well, take breaks, and remain as active as possible.